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Tips For A Successful Sales Email That Generates Responses 

We have brought you some of the most effective on how to write sales emails that will generate responses. 

A good sales email has a simple anatomy: the opening line, the ‘offer’ line, the closing line (Call to action), and the email signature.

Personalize your emails:

When you say “Hey Customer”, it makes a world of difference. It’s been scientifically proven that we like hearing our own name!

As per a report, segmented and targeted emails generate 58% of revenue. Personalization makes the prospect feels valued and special and makes you more trustworthy. You can also personalize your offerings in accordance with their pain points and the solutions your product/service can offer. 

Use a tool like Saleshandy to personalize every email with a snap of the finger. You can add up to 30 different merge tags like {{first name}}, {{last name}}, {{location}}, {{country}}, and more. 

Keep emails short and to the point:

Our attention span is now only 8 seconds (it used to be 12 seconds in 2000)! So yes because of this, it’s more important than ever to keep your sales emails as short as possible. 

Guidelines for a sales email copy: 

Experts recommend keeping your email between 50 to 125 words. 
Should not require scrolling when viewed on your mobile device
Take less than 8 seconds to read (skim) in full 
Require a response that takes no longer than 5 to 10 seconds to ideate and write 
Avoid emailing them multiple times:
Nothing turns away prospects like excessive spammy emails! When you send a prospect a follow-up email ensure an adequate amount of time has passed between each email. Sending too many emails too soon will come off as aggressive and they will definitely report you as spam. Be mindful. 

Have a killer subject line

It is said that the first impression is the last impression. So, don’t hold back. Get creative with your subject line and try to make it more value-driven.

Which one of these two emails would you open?

1. Suggest us new updates for development.

2. John, make a wish, and it might come true!  

The second subject line creates more curiosity and entices the prospect to open it. So, make sure your subject line is to the point. 

To increase your open rates you must test your subject lines. With Saleshandy’s A/Z testing feature, you can test up to 24 variants of a subject line and access detailed analytics to see what’s working for your campaigns. 

Land in the primary inbox

While sending your email outreach, you need to ensure your email deliverability is in place.

If there are any spam-triggering words in your email or your account is not authenticated, it might affect your domain reputation.

You must be careful and take all the necessary precautions for your email to land in the primary inbox. 

Saleshandy provides users with an email deliverability toolkit that is inclusive of email list verification, SPF/DKIM/DMARC authentication validation, and email health score. 

Talk about benefits (instead of features)

We don’t like it when a salesman keeps talking about features and how good a product is. All we want to know is how would that product help us I am investing X amount of money in it.

Talk about them, their pain points, solutions, and most importantly, their benefits. This would guarantee to fetch you good sales in the long run.


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